Untitled (Yam Series III)
Tang Da Wu
Ink on paper
109.2 x 77.5 cm
Renowned for his works in sculpture, installation and performance art, Tang Da Wu’s works display visceral reflection. As in his performance art, his visual artforms are unrelenting and honest interpretations of motion and energy, celebrated through the pure qualities of paper, ink, and water. The works portray abstract impressions, inviting audiences to visualize and derive personal meaning and resonance.
Artist Profile
Tang Da Wu ( b. 1943) is a Singapore and London based artist who works in multiple media including drawing, painting, sculpture, installation and performance art. He is known as an iconic figure in Southeast Asian contemporary art practice and is considered as one of Singapore’s most eminent contemporary artists. Outspoken and unorthodox in his methodology, the path of his work has been crucial to the way visual art has developed in Sin….